Avaloq Banking Suite & MIS

Since 2011 zeb is one of the ‘White-Labeling Partners’ in the Avaloq community with Avaloq’s MIS – powered by zeb. Fully integrated into the Avaloq Banking Suite, the module allows to control bank’s profitability in every market situation. Hence, Avaloq customers are using this 100% technically integrated solution in CH, LIE, GER, UK and APAC.
Based on a standard adapter, this model is the expansion of Avaloq MIS functionalities by risk and treasury functionalities.
In other words: banks get a proven controlling functionality to help optimizing their profitability.
Due to its full technical integration, there is a quick and seamless navigation beween MIS and the Avaloq Banking Suite. Besides that, MIS reports allow for a drill-down from transaction level to Avaloq Banking Suite data. Roll-ups to the MIS are supported as well.
As it is a proven data model it can be instantly used and thus, minimize implementation time and project risks. Moreover, any historical data as well as customer changes (e.g. of relationship managers) can be considered when using the module. Furthermore, the MIS data warehouse ensures on single source of data.
Furthermore, the MIS data warehouse ensures on single source of data. Pre-defined KPIs simplify the use of the solution even more. Based on zeb’s bank management know-how of more than 25 years, users will get a future proof solution with optional enhancement possibility for a complete bank management solution with other zeb.control-modules such as strategy or risk.
Avaloq MIS powered by zeb.control is a solution approach based on zeb’s long-standing project expertise. With the software you can easily generate reports and analyses. Standardizes reporting can be done at an instant by using the extensive report library that is tailored to the requirements of executives. The drilldown to individual accounts and transactions allows for a quick response to special questions and analysis requests. Moreover, structural changes of the bank are immediately visible and can be evaluated in detail leaving more time for the analysis of the result situation.
Key benefits for a bank:
Your contact persons