Using strategic planning as a competitive advantage

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"A strategic view of the KPIs enables you to make the right decisions. zeb.control provides the required facts in a straightforward manner. "

Frank Kathage, Senior Manager zeb.control
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Objective in Strategy

As a result of the volatile market environment, intensified competition and new regulatory requirements, transparency of key management indicators is turning into a critical success factor for banks. Our strategy solution aims to provide an overall representation of the interdependencies between balance sheet structure, P&L, central management KPIs and regulatory restrictions for target-oriented and robust strategic planning.

Range of modules

Based on our many years of experience, we offer you the following software solution for strategic planning. You receive a comprehensive cost and management tool with all relevant KPIs from the areas of earnings, risk and regulation and traceable reporting – individually tailored to your institution, transparent and user-friendly.

Our Digital Services Hub offers you detailed information on our strategy solutions of the zeb.control product family:


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Strategy references

With our support, our clients address pressing issues and challenges in strategic planning arising from the industry’s changing dynamics and new regulatory requirements. As “partners for change”, we help you master the only constant – change.

Referenz Bank of China