A current market overview by FAS AG confirms the professional and technical superiority of zeb.control for hedge accounting.
Based on the market overview of software solutions for hedge accounting according to IFRS 9, which was published for the first time in 2018, FAS AG has published an extended and updated version this year. Within the scope of a survey, a total of eleven providers of corresponding software solutions were asked for their self-assessment with regard to essential functionalities and technical details. From six providers the answers could be considered.
The examined functionalities of the hedge accounting solutions cover the following topics:
- Typical customer structure
- Audit reporting or certification
- GAAPs and accounting standards
- Risk categories and hedge types
- Business types and characteristics
- Business selection and designation
- Effectiveness measurement
- Evaluation
- PFVH functionalities
- Reporting functionalities
- Booking functionalities
- System integration
- Licensing model
- Unique selling point
- Typical application scenario
- Philosophy
The study itself does not make any concrete recommendations regarding the various software solutions for hedge accounting. However, an evaluation of all of the criteria in the above subject areas yields to the following overall assessment for the individual software solution providers
Read the white paper in full length for yourself!
FAS AG, as a member of the WTS Group, is an independent, innovative solution provider for goal-oriented consulting, active operational support and efficient outsourcing of corporate finance functions as well as valuation and transaction processes. The company is headquartered in Stuttgart with further offices in Munich, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Zurich and Vienna.
1) Source: Christiane Linder und Philipp Freigang, FAS AG, 08.06.2020, https://www.fas-ag.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Knowledge/Studien/standart-softwareloesungen-fuer-das-hedge-accounting-unter-ifrs-englisch.pdf and own calculations