zeb's SaaS operation as a full-service offering

Referenz Gothaer

The Gothaer Group specialises in insurance and has relied on zeb.control's Solvency II solutions since 2013. Through zeb.control's software solution, all requirements of pillars 1, 2 and 3 are already covered in an integrated end-to-end process. Since the cooperation, the Gothaer Group has shown a high level of satisfaction with zeb.control, among other things due to the automation of the reporting process.

zeb.control Solvency II

  • Covers the requirements of pillars 1, 2 and 3 in an integrated end-to-end process
  • Taxonomy updates are included in maintenance
  • Market leader through comprehensive and modern web-based solution
  • In use for many years

Deployment as SaaS

  • Relieves the IT: complete operation by zeb with modalities agreed via SLA with regard to processing times, availability
  • Accelerates implementation: immediate provision of the environment and the software in a dedicated cloud instance for insurance companies
  • Professionalises operation: comprehensive operating services and maintenance by zeb
  • Reduces costs: billing according to use (pay-as-you-use) incl. self-service portal

"The switch to SaaS operation by zeb as a full-service offering has fully convinced us. The turnaround time for the reporting process of the Gothaer Group could be further optimised."

- Gothaer

Advantages from the Gothaer perspective

  • Everything from one source by the manufacturer itself - import of the annual taxonomy updates included in the price
  • Relieves IT capacities and enables concentration on other, non-outsourceable topics
  • Relieves the IT budget; favourable offer and dynamic costs - directly controllable by the business unit via self-service portal
  • Outsourcing process is supported by zeb in a professional and compliant manner
  • Migration from on-premises to the cloud completed in a few days

Benefits zeb.control Solvency II in a SaaS operating model

Development goal

Retention of the established and highly automated reporting process as well as the familiar user interfaces

Achieve performance improvements by leveraging existing scaling capabilities and computing solutions in the cloud

Faster responsiveness to changing hardware requirements, especially in the case of extensive extensions to the XBRL taxonomy rule set

Software architecture consistently supports performance-based billing at the cloud provider (pay-as-you-use)

No 3rd party licensing costs for our customers and no need to maintain specific know-how about databases or application servers

Solution / Impact

Known methods, data requirements and working methods, no supplementary training for the specialist department necessary

Improvement of runtimes by 30% - 50% compared to an on-premises solution in all process steps (data import, calculation pillar 1, creation of XBRL file etc.)

Resources can be added ad-hoc and precisely as needed - no pre-investment in approximated growth of the taxonomy necessary

Consistent pay-as-you-use massively reduces costs for hosting and operations. Practical value: at least 30%, depending on the usage profile even more

Oracle licences and maintenance fees are eliminated. No vendor lock-in, instead based on open source and open cloud infrastructures

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